

4 July 2023

SAVE THE DATE: SELINA Workshop #2 to take place in Madrid in October

We are excited to announce SELINA's second thematic workshop that will take place from 2 - 5 October 2023 in Madrid, Spain. It will be organised by SELINA’s partner from Spain - Rey Juan Carlos University, and will welcome SELINA’s partners, Advisory Board members, early career researchers and local stakeholders. Apart from presenting and discussing project progress and future steps, the participants will be provided the opportunity for collaboration and knowledge exchange.

The workshop will be organised under the title “Advancing solutions (part I)” and will set the scene with existing data and methods together with new approaches. Among the main objectives of the workshop are:

  • To exchange information about the methods used to mapping, assessing, and accounting of ecosystem condition and services.
  • To identify difficulties in implementing these methods by the SELINA Demonstration Projects.
  • To ensure that the proposed methods are aligned with the needs of the SELINA Demonstration Projects.

A one-day field trip will also be organised, allowing participants to experience the local context and ecosystems.

More details, including a preliminary agenda, will be available prior to the meeting.