Demonstration Projects

Demonstration projects


Spanish National Strategy for Green Infrastructure and Ecosystem Restoration

Spanish National Strategy for Green Infrastructure and Ecosystem Restoration
Spanish National Strategy for Green Infrastructure and Ecosystem Restoration
Spanish National Strategy for Green Infrastructure and Ecosystem Restoration
Main objective

To identify green infrastructure elements at a national scale in response to national regulations and political processes, including the development of regional green infrastructure plans for the Autonomous Communities in Spain by 2024.

Expected outcome

Identifying hotspots of ecosystem services potential based on green infrastructure elements and delimiting areas in need of restoration or protection efforts according to their potential for ecosystem services supply, connectivity and biodiversity conservation.

The objective of DP01 will be achieved through the active inclusion of diverse stakeholders, including the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, the University Rey Juan Carlos, and representatives from the Spanish Autonomous Communities who will identify green infrastructure elements in their regions and design plans and strategies based on the scientific inputs that will be provided. The DP will provide a methodological guide that includes a Tier-based approach for selecting indicators and methodologies based on the purpose of the assessment. It will cover a wide range of ecosystem services, including provisioning (food, raw materials, and surface water for drinking purposes), regulating (climate and air quality, pollination, water regulation, and erosion control), and cultural (recreational activities and aesthetic characteristics). Various methods will be employed to calculate service provision based on available data and resources, including direct, indirect, and modelling approaches.

Scientific Partner: Partner Cover
Policy Partner: Partner Cover